Free Presentation: For Gospel Musicians Who Want To Learn Gospel Piano But Constantly Feel Overwhelmed.

Finally, Jermaine Griggs debunks the #1 myth that has been plaguing the gospel community for years and gives you a proven plan of action with the GospelKeys 102 Program!

Introducing - Gospel Keys 102

This Comprehensive program includes:

  • Time-tested 3 step process to playing hymns, congregational, and basic songs on your own!
  • How Harmony and Melody work together and why simply knowing this can help you to play 80% of the songs out there!
  • The Secret to to mastering all 12 keys.
  • My secret formula to effortless transposition.
  • 7 key strategies needed to spice up practically any song harmonization.
  • And much more.

FREE TODAY - Limited Time Offer

...and we’re giving away 500 copies absolutely free!  

That’s right.   I said it...   FREE!

 What you choose to focus on matters! 

I'll say it one more time because its important, What you choose to focus on matters!  Over the years, I've noticed that there is one major thing that gospel musicians wonder about .... and that is, what is the one thing they can do as a piano player to guarantee their success?

If you ask me, the answer is simple - Have a crystal clear picture on what you need to focus on. This focus is the #1 skill you need as a musician to guarantee success. In fact, I attribute a lot of my success to this as a musician and I have a few things to share with you today if you plan on becoming a musician .

This program will help you do just that.

So how do you know if this program is for you? Well...

...GospelKeys 102 is specially designed for a person that falls into one or more of these three categories:

  • You're frustrated with your progress as a musician
  • You’re disappointed with your playing, and imagined yourself being further along in your progress than you actually are.
  • You’ve grown accustomed to your sluggish growth and the only time you’re reminded of how little you've actually grown is when you’re around musicians who perform better than you.

If you fall into at least one of these categories then this program was designed perfectly for you!

 Don't Take Our Word For It. Check It Out For Yourself. 

If you master these will pretty much be able to master any hymn and congregational song that you want.

"Kumbaya My Lord"

"Leaning On The Everlasting Arms"

"O Come All Ye Faithful"

"This is the Day"

"What A Friend We Have In Jesus"

"Jesus Love Me"

"Love Lifted Me"

"Pass Me Not O Gentle Savior"

"Blessed Assurance"

If you're looking for the best way to propel your playing to the next level, this is your answer...

1 Month Free-Trial To The Gospel Music Training Center

Here's How it Works:

When you claim your FREE Copy of Gospel Keys 102, you'll get to test-drive our Gospel Music Training Center.

The Gospel Training Center—or GMTC as we like to call it— is for anyone who absolutely loves Gospel Music and wants to get a complete deep dive into multiple genres, techniques, and approaches. This is for people who want to reach a MASTERY LEVEL.

You'll enjoy exploring concepts like scales, licks, chords, voicings, upper structures, progressions, and everything you need to know to excel at playing gospel music.

We’re going to ship you the GospelKeys 102
(just handle shipping). All we ask is that you try out the Gospel Music Training Center today.  

As a member you can:

  • Instantly access over 700 hours of sensational song training spread across weekly piano lessons, archived organ lessons, live trainings, digital courses, "basics and fundamental trainings", advanced licks and tricks, and much more...
  • Attend weekly training sessions where you can chat directly with some of the most professional, top-notch, musicians who are masters at playing AND teaching gospel piano....
  • Not to mention, we'll give you plenty of opportunities to practice and retain all that you're learning. With hundreds of questions from our interactive quizzes, you'll make it past each foundational level with a strong understanding of the concepts and strategies.

If you decide to stay in the Gospel Music Training Center, the monthly tuition is only $37.

The Gospel Music Training Center is, without question, the easiest, most comprehensive and most effective training resource there is for serious church musicians...And we’d like you to test it out for yourself.

Test-Drive the Gospel Music Training Center on us.  In fact, taking advantage of our "Triple Guarantee" ensures you do not have to make a decision about the training center today.  Simply try out the Gospel Music Training Center for 30 Days...If you do not immediately start seeing improvement in your ability to play or if you are not 100% satisfied in EVERY way, you can simply cancel your trial in the Gospel Music Training Center before the 30 days are up and we will un-enroll you from the program

No hassles, no worries, and we'll part as friends no matter what. Plus, you'll get to keep the GospelKeys 102 even if you decide to cancel your trial membership.  So, they're yours to keep for free either way...Even if you decide to stay a few months but for any reason, don't feel like continuing, canceling your membership is as easy as 1-2-3.  Claim your copy of Gospelkeys 102 now!

This one-time-only deal, worth $47, is designed to ensure you never struggle, or ever have to beg another musician again only to hear that they’re “too busy”.

Or you can decline your 30-day free trial to the Gospel Music Training Center and just proceed with GospelKeys 102 for $47. You will not receive access to the Gospel Music Training Center with the free copy of GospelKeys 102

© Hear and Play Music. 2000 - 2016.
22521 Avenida Empresa Suite 113, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 * 1-877-856-4167​